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Disclaimer: Your use of this guide is strictly at your own risk. If your device gets damaged, I or Leakite will not be held responsible. Ensure to always backup your current rom before installing a new one just in case something goes wrong. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

This is official Windows 10 build It has all the features of Windows 10 mobile and runs super smoothly. The rom already has built in root access. Requirements for installation. Download Rom from above link and extract the different partitions contained in the downloaded ROM rar archive Download WPinternals and extract to any empty folder on your desktop.

Run WPinternals. Now, select the extracted partitions Connect your device to PC then, click Flash partition. Related Posts. Gomes May 30, Kjell Persson March 5, WPinternals is crashing when it should start to flash Windows Collins Edim March 6, Did you install the required drivers? What Windows version do you use? Anonymous November 21, Leave a Reply Cancel Reply.


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